
My passion and enthusiasm for creating things and sharing them with the world have driven me through my university experience, from first-year undergraduate to fifth-year master’s degree. Reflecting on my journey through these courses, after overcoming new challenges and gaining new experiences and perspectives, highlights my initial goals evolving beyond automotive styling, now aimed at innovating upon the new wave of sustainable mobility.



I was part of the micro mobility project for Beam, where we designed a future electric scooter. This project was done in collaboration with Glen Owin, Lachlan McElroy, Sarah Franks and Victoria Aceiro.

The project required the development of a form of e-micro mobility unique to the Australian market. This concept will improve the last mile journey and overall user experience. The vehicle will be designed in context for the Australian transport environment within the next 2 to 5 years, as highlighted by the Future Transport Technology Roadmap 2021 - 2024.